Through the darkness.

Some people are afraid of the dark. I, personally, dislike darkness. There are a few different definitions of darkness. The one that I am referring to is “unhappiness, distress, or gloom”. Most, if not all, of us have been in darkness at some point in our lives. Some are in darkness, right now. Darkness and tribulations are inevitable in life. However, with our Heavenly Father, we can make it through the darkness and we don’t have to stay there. Let me explain…

There are some things that we should remember to do during the dark times of life. During these times when trouble, uncertainty and sadness are around us, it may seem as if we are alone and God isn’t present.

1. Even though you don’t see God, trust and believe that He is there. When I was little, my big sister and I slept in the same room, in twin beds. Even though it was dark and I couldn’t see her, I trusted that she was still there and I would call out her name and talk to her in expectation that she would hear me and answer. When you’re experiencing an illness, lost of a loved one, lost of a job or financial hardship it may seem as if God is far away or not there at all. But if you can believe in Him enough to talk to him when life is dark, then you give Him a chance to answer.

2. Even though times are dark, listen for God’s voice. Even though it was dark in our room, I would listen for my sister’s voice. Specifically, I would be nosey and listen to her phone conversations :). But, I knew she was there and I expected to hear her speak. Even in the dark, especially in the trials of the dark, God has something to say to you to help you make it through to the light. Listen for God’s voice while in the dark and listen with the expectation of revelation, guidance, and encouragement.

After I finished listening to my sister’s conversation, I would go to sleep and rest soundly. Yes, it was still dark. Yes, I still couldn’t see and comprehend things around me, but I trusted that I was protected and I could go to sleep. You may be hesitant to have peace in the dark, you may feel guilty about having joy in a dark season, but if you truly believe that God is with you, then having peace and joy is what you should have, because the battle belongs to the Lord. 3.There are things happening in the darkness that we can’t comprehend, but we can take joy and rest knowing that God is working it out for our good.

Finally, after a few hours passed, I awoke to a new day and the darkness was no more. I’m not saying it will never get dark, again, but what I am saying is that God brings you through the darkness. I am a witness to that. God did not leave me in the darkness of anxiety, but He brought me through it, stronger, closer to Him and with a purpose to give Him glory and help others. It doesn’t have to stay dark forever. Believe that God is with you, talk to Him and listen, rest in His care and let Him bring you to the light! Be encouraged!

Lyrics from “I Will Fear No More” by The Afters

Every anxious thought that steals my breath

It’s a heavy weight upon my chest

As I lie awake and wonder what the future will hold

Help me to remember that You’re in control

You’re my courage when I worry in the dead of night

You’re my strength ’cause I’m not strong enough to win this fight

You are greater than the battle raging in my mind

I will trust You, Lord

I will fear no more

I will lift my eyes

I will lift my cares

Lay them in Your hands

I’ll leave them there

When the wind and waves are coming

You shelter me

Even though I’m in the storm, the storm is not in me

No power can come against me

‘Cause You have overcome

No darkness can overwhelm me

‘Cause You’ve already won

“Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished, and rose up in haste, and spake, and said unto his counsellors, Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? They answered and said unto the king, True, O king. He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.”

Daniel 3:24-25 KJV

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28 KJV

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7 KJV

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

Psalms 23:4 KJV

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