Stay ready in the holding patterns!

I love to travel. It is one of my favorite things to do. However, I have not always been open to traveling. “Why”, you ask. It was because of fear. Some of my friends probably remember me saying that I did not want to get on a plane or a boat! I have now been on many flights and even two cruises! What happened? I trusted God and walked by faith. One of the people whom I trust most in this world, told me, “You either trust Him or you don’t”. And that is the truth. Since I have started living that truth out in my life, I have seen places that I would have never seen and experienced things that I would have never experienced, had I not trusted God and gotten on those planes and onto those ships. But even in trusting Him, I have noticed that there have been some things that have slowed down my arrival to these great places and experiences…

Sometimes while ready to get to a destination there is an announcement of a delay in the flight departure time. Then, after taking those steps in faith and boarding the plane and thinking we should be taking off, the plane is coasting on the tarmac taxiing for minutes after the scheduled departure time. Not only that, but on several of my flights, there were stops at other cities for connecting flights. If that was not enough, when we finally get to that point of approaching our destination, the pilot mentions that we are in a holding pattern for landing. We are circling around the airport, when I think we should be on the ground by now, so that I can experience all that God has for me in this great destination. This sounds quite familiar to our lives, doesn’t it? We pray and ask God for a particular blessing or desire of our heart, we get the courage to trust Him and walk in faith and obedience, and then we hit the holding patterns, connecting flights, and delays. It seems as if we will never arrive to or receive that blessing, breakthrough or destination that we have prayed for and for which we have trusted God. But I want you to know that those delays in flight that I mentioned are intentional, as are the ones in your life. You see, the decisions for flight delays are often due to severe weather in the path of the flight, an issue with the plane or weight restrictions. Ultimately, it is better to delay the flight until flying conditions are safer, the plane is well-equipped and any extra weight has been removed. Likewise, when we feel there is a delay in the blessing that we have been praying for, God could be protecting us from unseen dangers and unnecessary baggage weighing you down. The connecting flights have a purpose, as well. When you board a plane, it doesn’t always take you to your final destination. Sometimes you have to switch to a connecting flight, one or more times, to get on the plane that will actually take you to your final destination. In our lives, sometimes things are for a season and that job, relationship, business endeavor or city were not meant to be your final destination. Additionally, the taxiing and holding patterns have a purpose. Whether on the tarmac or in the air, it oftentimes seems like planes are just going in circles instead of moving forward to the destination. This may be how it seems, but if not for the holding pattern and waiting until the way is clear and safe, the plane could collide with another aircraft in the air or on the ground. Moving one second too soon could lead to destruction. Timing is of the utmost importance in flying, just as it is important in our lives. God may be moving things out of the way or preparing and training us for our destination. But one thing we should remember is to stay ready! When the planes are taxiing or in the holding pattern, their engines are still running and they are still moving, ready for whenever they receive the go-ahead notification. When it seems as if your prayer hasn’t been answered and you are delayed, you should still be trusting, obeying, following, serving, and praising God, ready to receive that which He is preparing just for you!

Fear was holding me back and causing me to miss opportunities. If I had never trusted God and overcome the fear, I would have never made it to the terminal for the delay, to the tarmac or plane for the holding patterns and connecting flights. And with those delays came preparedness and avoided collisions and danger. All things that are necessary for that blessing which is the desire of our hearts. And the desires of our heart is what our Heavenly Father has promised to give us! Be encouraged and stay ready to receive what God has prepared just for you!

Psalm 37:4,5

Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.  

Hebrews 11:11 KJV

Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.

Hebrews 11:29 KJV

By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned.

Romans 8:28 KJV

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

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